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A properly functioning circulatory sytem is essential for a healthy body. A failing circulation is often caused by cardiovascular abnormalities and represents a life-threatening situation. Within the Center for Circulatory Health research is performed over the full width of the cardiovascular field, but focuses in particular on heart failure, cerebral ischemia, aneurysms and on high risk patient groups (i.e. diabetes, hypertension and female-specific risks). Key methodologies to investigate these diseases are genetics, imaging and clinical epidemiology.

(extra): For all our cardiovascular research we translate a clinical problem (i.e. disease) first into laboratory or animal models. We use these models to study the underlying mechanisms of the disease and to test new therapeutical possibilities. Eventually, we investigate promising interventions and/or drugs in patient populations. Research is thus performed all the way from clinic to laboratory bench, and back to the clinic. Besides that, we focus a lot of attention on the search for new biomarkers, which are molecules with a predictive value early in cardiovascular disease development. Also we develop new imaging techniques to visualize e.g. blood vessels and the adverse effects of a myocardial infarction in order to use these techniques for the early detection and prevention of cardiovascular disease. It is our ambition to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease both nation- and worldwide. For that, we need you!

Website:  http://umcutrechthartenvaatcentrum-onderwijs.nl


Marti Bierhuizen (onderwijscoördinator Circulatory Health), hartenvatenonderwijs@umcutrecht.nl